Find your bus number by using the interactive map below. Start by entering your address. Please ensure that you have previously registered for transporation.
- When entering your street address, you may need to enter street abbreviations such as 'Rd', "Ln', 'Ct', etc.
- If you are unable to find your address, try entering it without the zip code. There are some areas where the lines between zip codes cannot be distinguished.
- After searching, the assigned Elementary, Junior High, or High School will appear on the left-hand side.
- If you wish to overlay the district boundaries, you can use the tool/setting icon displayed in upper-right of the map.
- You can also use the +/- icons in the lower-right corner of the map to zoom in/out.
- Please note, in order to make routes more effecient and consistent, the Sylvania School Board has adopted neighborhood stops throughout our district. Please check your pick up/drop off location, as it may have changed.
- Helpful information for finding your route.